Great Escape
Forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who have trespassed against us. 

2006-07-29 Sat

Birth Like a Bird

Birth Like a Bird


写下这个题目的时候才发现,其实这是已经像bird一样离去的张国荣同学讲过的“有一种鸟……”,但我不是那一只累了就在风中休息的summerbird,我觉得鸟的一生更应该像Rod Stewart同学很多年前哼唱的《Sailing》一样,I am sailing , I am sailing
home again cross the sea.
I am sailing stormy waters
to be near you , t …… >>

小老涧于 15:32:30 发表在分类:粤读时光
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